Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sprint Retrospective

  • Timebox: 2 hrs for 2 week sprint.
  • Should be done before the next sprint planning session.
  • Evaluate: 1. what worked 2. what did not work.
  • Each team member has a stack of post-its and write down items of 1 & 2 above.
  • Items relating to 1 & 2 is then put up in different corners of the room.
  • This process continues till everyone has written down everything that comes to mind.
  • 1 person in the team picks a item to start with and it is discussed amongst the team.
  • Actions are identified for each item.
  • These items are added to the product backlog for the next sprint with a story point value, so that the team gets time to work on the improvements.
  • On 2 items: also focus on how do we continue to make this work. Write down some ideas.
  • When evaluating items think about: people, relationships, process and tools. Some examples as per the scrum guide: team composition, meeting arrangements, tools, definition of "done," methods of communication, and processes for turning Product Backlog items into something "done."